Date: February 8, 2022 Contact: Rachel Lambert
For Immediate Release Phone: 417.864.6683
Photos Available Upon Request Fax: 417.864.8967
Springfield Symphony presents an evening of catchy rhythms and toe-tapping melodies
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – The Springfield Symphony (SSO) will hold its classical concert Symphonic Dances on Saturday, March 5th at 7:30 p.m. Symphonic Dances will open with the evocative, jazzy, and nostalgic Dances in the Canebrakes by Florence Price, the first African-American woman composer to have her work performed by major orchestras. The performance will be held at Juanita K. Hammons Hall for the Performing Arts.
We will also play Rachmaninoff’s fascinating Symphonic Dances, which was originally intended to be a ballet score, but eventually became a meditation on ecclesiastical chant motifs. SSO Music Director and Conductor Kyle Wiley Pickett said, “I’m very excited to perform Rachmaninoff’s Symphonic Dances this month!” Pickett added, “This piece was a request from members of the symphony for obvious reasons. It is a gorgeous piece that really showcases the individual members of the orchestra in many solo turns. This piece was one of the reasons the season was called Dance Mix, blending dance forms into symphonic music. I’m also excited by Florence Price’s Dances in the Canebrakes. Florence Price was the first African-American woman composer to have her works performed by major orchestras. Her music is so tuneful and catchy. I know people will love this piece.” In addition to these pieces, due to programing changes at the February concert, the epic love story of Ravel’s Daphnis and Chloe will be played at the March 5th concert.
Single Tickets are $10 – $45 with discounts available for students and seniors. Single Tickets will be available at the Hammons Hall box office by calling (417) 836-7678 or visiting Per the Springfield Symphony Board of Directors, masks will be mandatory for Springfield Symphony staff, patrons, and musicians in Hammons Hall for our Symphonic Dances concert. Single Livestream access starts at $22 per household and livestream access is available for purchase at
Join us via Facebook Live for Behind the Baton on the Springfield Symphony Orchestra Facebook page. This is an opportunity to listen to Kyle Wiley Pickett and discuss the music that will be performed at the March 5th concert. The Facebook Live event takes place at 5:45 p.m. on the Thursday before each Springfield Symphony classical concert.
Pickett is available for any interviews or questions. Please feel free to email him at or call at (417) 837-9422. The Symphonic Dances concert is sponsored by Presenting Season Sponsor Reliable Superstore, Presenting Media Sponsor Xtream by Mediacom, and Fast Frames/Gallery. The livestream concert is sponsored by Xtream by Mediacom, Cox Health, and Systematic Savings. For more information on Springfield Symphony health and safety guidelines, concerts and events, and more, visit
The Springfield Symphony Orchestra is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation and an Equal Opportunity Employer. Additional funding for all Springfield Symphony Orchestra programming is provided by the Missouri Arts Council, a state agency. For more information, visit or