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March 1, 2025
7:30 pm

Grazyna Bacewicz – Overture for orchestra

Sibelius – Violin Concerto

            With Geneva Lewis, Violin

Beethoven – Symphony No. 5

Thank You To This Month’s Sponsors

about the event

The Springfield Symphony performed Beethoven’s ever-popular and dramatic Fifth Symphony at its inaugural concert in 1935, so in honor of our 90th year, we play it again. You will also hear Sibelius’s stormy and passionate Violin Concerto and Overture for Orchestra by Polish composer Graznya Bacewich, one of the first women composers from Poland to gain international acclaim. And there will be one more piece, a surprise for everyone to honor our anniversary…that you’ll have to be here to hear!

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Geneva Lewis

March Guest Artist

Geneva Lewis, Violin

Click here for Bio.

24/25 Season Concerts

All 24/25 Season Concerts take place at Juanita K. Hammons Hall for the Performing Arts, 525 S. John Q Hammons Parkway.